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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

'Tis the Season for Elf Mischief!

Elf season is here and I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited! Our family started the elf in our house last year and it has been a blast for me and Olive! 
I have a lot of fun staging Elfie, and Olive loves to find her every morning. I find a lot of my ideas from Pinterest and mom friends. Some of the adventures Elfie goes on are pretty elaborate and sometimes they aren't. I just try to have fun with it! 

Here are some of my favorites from last year:
Elfie went fishing in our fridge.
(blue jello, swedish fish, a candy cane and yarn.)

She hid in Olive's stuffed animal bucket. The paper mustache helped her blend in.

Elfie brought Olive chocolate milk from the North Pole. She stayed warm with ear muffs and a scarf!

Elfie went camping on our kitchen counter. She built a marshmallow snowman and stayed warm by the candle campfire and roasted mini marshmallows.

This is my favorite from last year! I saw an elf bench pressing marshmallows on Pinterest and took it a few steps further. Elfie's WOD: Burpees, marshmallow carries, wallballs, licorice double unders, chocolate abmat sit ups, and Oreo push press. She's one buff elf!

My sister and I were out and about on Saturday when my phone rang. My sister answered (I was driving and we were lost. The last thing I needed to do was talk on the phone!). "I FOUND ELFIE!" Oh (bleep)! Mommy fail...Little did Olive know, she didn't actually find her elf, she found my classroom elf. I didn't know how to explain why there was an elf in my work bag so Elfie reported for duty a week early.

Stay tuned for Elfie's adventures this year!

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