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Sunday, June 16, 2013

If I can do it, anyone can!


A few months ago I got this "brilliant" idea to start a blog about being a mommy, a mommy who enjoys trying to be crafty. There is just one little problem (okay, one BIG problem)....I'm no Martha Stewart! I used to scrap book frequently. I made our Christmas cards once (and they were very cute!) I made invites for my daughter's first and second  birthday parties (again, the invites were super cute!). I love creating, but I would not consider myself a crafting guru. I have found it difficult to manage my time in order to complete the awesome projects I spent countless hours pinning on my Pinterest boards. 

For weeks and weeks I pushed my "blog wish" out of my head. I can't do it, I don't have time. I can't do it, I'm not crafty enough. I can't do it, what would I say?? These negative thoughts  raced through my head!  
And then rule #6 came into my life... I was sitting in my Instructional Leadership class ( I don't have enough on my plate so I decided to go back to school to get a masters...she says sarcastically) and the phrase "remember rule #6" came up in a video. What is rule #6 you ask? Rule #6 states: "Don't take yourself too seriously."

And here I am...not taking myself too seriously. I am not the perfect crafter, or writer, or mother, or wife, or teacher, but you get one shot at life and if crafting makes me a happier person, then crafting is what I shall do! I do not know where this blog is going to take me. I do know that I am going to hang on, enjoy the journey, and keep rule #6 in the back of my mind!!  If I can do it, anyone can!

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